Professional experts to take care and enhance your beauty.
In 1987, Akari started out as a salon in Portland, Maine, offering just cuts and color. Over 30 years later, still located in Maine’s historic Old Port, we have evolved and expanded our brand, becoming a place that caters to Portland’s cultural tastes. We provide a staff of diverse, talented professionals with inspiring styles, offering everything under one roof: classic and modern cuts, fresh or bold color, polished and creative nail care, relaxing and therapeutic massage, treatments to bring out glowing skin and cutting–edge results based spa treatments. Visiting Akari is an escape where guests can feel at ease.
In 1987, Akari started out as a salon in Portland, Maine, offering just cuts and color. Over 30 years later, still located in Maine’s historic Old Port, we have evolved and expanded our brand, becoming a place that caters to Portland’s cultural tastes.
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